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Rehabilitation Diary①



During the afternoon practice, on the indoor artificial turf training field, I was hit from behind and my leg was blocked below the knee, causing me to fall forward diagonally to the right. While I fell I thought, “Oh, it’s my meniscus….” It was a very calm thought.
When I tried to explain what happened I explained the situation in Japanese as quickly as I could. (Most likely no one understood what I was saying.) Normally I speak a mix of Dutch and English, but I think I was pretty upset. After that, my teammates held me by both arms as I walked back to the club. I was telling myself, “Oh, I’m going to do my best with muscle training.”


DAY1 / 手術日

The surgery went well!

The anesthesia finally wore off, and as soon as I woke up from my death like sleep state, I cried because my knee hurt so much. (laughs). Then, a nurse handed me an ice cream…why⁉
Anyway, I’m happy to report that the surgery was over, and I’m fine!

麻酔もやっと切れてきて、死ぬほど眠い状態からは解放された途端、膝痛すぎてずっと泣いてました。。。(笑)。そしてそこで看護婦さんから手渡されたのがアイスクリーム・・・何故だ⁉ とりあえず手術終わりました&元気です〜という報告になります!

It was my first time to be hospitalized, although I had heard a lot about it from friends and others. I passed all the vitals checks, and tests, nervous time…etc. on the day before the surgery. The next day I arrived at the hospital four hours before the surgery. I was not allowed to be a chaperone due to the corona disaster. I was alone and almost unable to communicate in the Dutch-speaking hospital room. Well, I guess I could laugh at myself while enjoying it a little.

I had not been allowed to eat since noon the day before the surgery, and I was starving. So I was looking forward to my first dinner in 30 hours. “Bread and chocolate past!” It was a combination I wouldn’t normally choose for myself, but perhaps because I was so hungry, it was delicious! “Give me more!”


be continued  まだまだ続く・・・・

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